Our invitation to join us is warmly extended, week after week.
It’s important for those who choose St. Columban as their parish we welcome you to officially be a part of our worship community! You can do so by taking just a few moments to complete a registration card in the Parish Office during regular weekday and weekend office hours For your convenience you can fill out the registration form ahead of time by clicking the link to the left, but we do need you to stop by the office to pick up a welcome packet of great information and we have a calendar for you.....plus we want to give you a personal welcome!
New members tell us that St. Columban is like a familiar face in a strange new setting. Parishioners and guests repeatedly tell us that we meet their spiritual, sacramental, religious educational and practical needs. We hope that never changes!
Whether you are joining us from a Catholic parish across town or across country, please be sure to inform your former parish that you have changed parishes. Thanks for your consideration and welcome to St. Columban! Please contact Leslie in the Parish Office if you have any questions or if you would like to change your household's information in our database.